Friday, October 10, 2014

What time is it? Game time!

We're reviewing for our Enterprise Test next Tuesday in a fun way! Games galore on this Friday. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Check out this business, this business. Check out our business.

Miss Botts' Foods II classes are using their creative minds to reach out to the faculty and staff here at JMRHS.  They are advertising our tasty Oreo Truffles for the upcoming Truffles for Teachers day and the beginning of our truffle sales for Halloween. 

They were able to play around with our fierce Bulldog mascot today. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spring Semester 2014 - Cake Challenge!!

This week has been a busy one for the Foods II classes at JMR.  They have been diligently working on their designs and plans for the 7th Semi-Annual Cake Challenge.  Today all of their hard work came to fruition as they spent 60 minutes cutting, mixing, frosting, and decorating their cakes.  Below is a quick slideshow of their experience:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Paintin' Plates Up in Here!

We're in the Knife Unit, as you all know by now, and part of this unit is garnishing and plate painting; the importance of visual appeal and staging food appropriately.  Foods II students were able to put their ideas on a plate, so to speak, today and here is what they came up with:

2nd Period Entries - Winner: Bottom Right

3rd Period Entries - Winner: Bottom Right

Bruschetta / [bruˈsketta] ... Potato / potahto

Our knife skills are improving and we made the delicious Italian appetizer, bruschetta. Here's a look:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We've got a set of special skills.....

....skills that will slice up some veggies and make a mean Vegetable Stir Fry. Here's what we did today: